Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions apply to and regulate all parts of okku.co.id. Please read carefully before you register and contribute to okku.co.id.

By accessing and joining okku.co.id, you are stating that you accept to obey the following rules:

  • okku.co.id users are responsible for ensuring authenticity of submitted information.
  • Users of okku.co.id are fully and individually responsible for content/material that they have submitted, and you accept not to overwhelm okku.co.id, all okku.co.id administrators and all okku.co.id owners for any claims caused by content/material that you submit in okku.co.id. okku.co.id has a right to publish all the information that we have about you in case content/material that you submit on okku.co.id breaks the law. Please be aware that all IP addresses will be recorded for all content/materials that users submit.
  • okku.co.id cannot be accused of any statements, mistakes, inaccuracy or lack in any content/materials that is submitted by okku.co.id users. okku.co.id is not legally responsible for any content/materials that are submitted by okku.co.id users.
  • By using okku.co.id, you agree that you will not:
    • Spread confidential company information.
    • Damage an individual’s or a company’s image or threaten, humiliate, insult, or act as another person.
    • Make any racial statement.
    • Upload content/material that breaks the law.
    • Upload provocative content/material that directs another user to do something which is breaking the law.
    • Create, publish or spread pornographic, vulgar and unethical content/materials.
    • Utilize automatic tools (except RSS feed) to access okku.co.id for any reason without legal permission from okku.co.id. Automatic tools are, but not limited to robotspider, and scrapper.
    • Do or try to do things that abnormally overwhelm the infrastructure of okku.co.id.
    • Do or try to do things that will stop okku.co.id from providing a proper service to users.
  • okku.co.id reserves the right to delete content/materials that are submitted by users, and which are considered inappropriate and break the rules. If you find content/materials on okku.co.id that break the rules, please report or contact an okku.co.id administrator

If you will not obey the rules above, okku.co.id reserves the right to do further action. For all users not obeying these rules, their access or membership can be stopped without a warning beforehand.

By accessing and using okku.co.id, you are stating that you accept to obey all the rules explained in the "Terms & Conditions “. If you do not agree to obey all those rules, you are not allowed to access or use content or services provided by okku.co.id.

All the rules in the "Terms & Conditions" can be changed from time to time by okku.co.id without any information beforehand.

If you are still accessing or using okku.co.id after a part or the whole "Terms & Conditions" are changed, you are stating that you agree to obey these changes. If you do not agree to obey these changes, you are not allowed to access or use content or services provided by okku.co.id.

Complaints For Violations of Intellectual Property Rights

okku.co.id respects intellectual property rights owned by other parties. If okku.co.id receives complaints regarding any violations of intellectual property, okku.co.id can delete or stop providing access to the violating materials.

Guarantee of okku.co.id Services

All the services, content, and materials available on okku.co.id are provided with no guarantees, neither in written nor unwritten form.


Links that appear on okku.co.id, either provided by okku.co.id or provided by other parties, may link to sites or resources owned by third parties. Since okku.co.id does not have an authority over those sites or resources, you are stating that you agree that okku.co.id is not responsible for all the materials and content of those third-party sites or resources. The occurrence of those links does not mean that okku.co.id is supporting the content on that site or resource. You also agree to the statement that okku.co.id is not responsible for all disadvantage and damage that is caused or may be caused using content, materials, services and other things provided by that site or resource.

Terminating The Services

You can stop agreeing to the rules written in the "Terms & Conditions" by stopping the use of the services provided by okku.co.id. okku.co.id can stop providing services, content or materials for users anytime without any information beforehand.

Privacy Policy

Please refer to page Privacy Policy.